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In response to the most precarious problems that the world is currently facing, the United Nations has established 17 sustainable goals that serve as calls to action. The issues that have been outlined for the transformation of our planet by the end of the year 2030 in order to achieve sustainable development are directly addressed by the Minhaj University Lahore.

The university is one of the most prestigious research institutes in the world and is also one of the greatest universities in Pakistan. It regards social responsibility as one of its primary objectives. There are four areas in which the Minhaj University Lahore – Sustainable Development Goals Hub plays a leading role in addressing sustainable development: Research Impact, Learning and Students, Public Engagement activity, and Responsible Campus Practices. In its role as a significant signatory to the worldwide Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) accord, the university has been a champion of sustainable development through higher education and will UN to achieve its Sustainable Development Goals of the world by the year 2030. 

News & Events

(July 31, 2024)
SDG-16 Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
A prominent Think Tank of Minhaj University, Centre of Research and Innovation in Maritime Affairs (CRIMA) on 31st July 2024 organized a webinar "Maritime Security and Regional Stability: UN 2030 Agenda".
(March 21, 2024)
Seminar on ‘World Water Day’

Centre of Research and Innovation in Maritime
Affairs organized an insightful seminar to commemorate the World
Water Day 2024.
March 06, 2024
Inaugural Seminar on Sustainable Development Goals
Centre of Research and Innovation in Maritime
Affairs (CRIMA) organized an inaugural seminar on Sustainable
Development Goals at
March 05, 2024
Poster Presentation on SDG-2 and SDG-14
School of Zoology, in collaboration with CRIMA, and Seekers Science Society, organized a poster competition focused on SDGs 2 – Zero Hunger and 14 – Life below Water. 
February 21, 2024
Sustainable Development Goals: Exploring Perspectives & Ideas 
A brainstorming session was held at Library Resource Centre MUL. The participants were the 10 allotted supervisors from the faculty and 17 nominated student-ambassadors
January 26, 2024
Achieving membership of the United Nations Academic Impact 
Vice-Chancellor, Prof Dr Sajid Mehmood Shahzad congratulated all the Deans and Heads of Minhaj University Lahore (MUL) on achieving membership of the United Nations Academic Impact.

List of Goals

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